Lilypie baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Liberty Bell Visit

I can't believe baby girl is 7 months old...well actually older than that! On her 7 month birthday she began rolling around everywhere (and quickly too!) and today she began crawling on her hands and knees! (although she prefers the rolling i think) She is just hitting milestones soo fast I cant keep up. Last friday she bagan waving to people, we had only been working on that for about a week. She had to move into her toddler tub as she enjoys splashing and was splashing all the water out of her infant tub and we were having to refill it several times during her bath. She just LOVES bath time and it makes me happy that she likes water! My mother and Dee came to visit last friday and just left this morning. We had so much fun including a trip to historic Philly to see the sights.  I even got to go to the Franklin Fountain- a very famous ice cream fountain that has been featured on food network and man vs. food. I had the most amazing homemade peppermint stick shake Mmmm...

Well my little eater who likes everything she tries has met her match. We attempted to give her chicken in chicken broth and you would have thought we put poop in her mouth. It came right out and she gagged herself. The face was priceless. I have tried covering it in apples as well as peas and she can tell no matter what I do and she does NOT like it. I was told the babies rarely liked the meats but i never expected this reaction from the kid who eats everything. Oh well I guess.
Liberty Bell Jan. 2013

Saturday, December 15, 2012

happy half birthday!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

growing like a weed

I was walking down the stairs today and looked at my beautiful silly girl in my arms, her new favorite thing is snuggling into your neck and laughing then pulling away, looking you in the face and doing it again. I looked at her in amazement, I thought she was so amazing before, but today she amazed me even more. She's becoming quite the character. All of a sudden everything is happening so fast. This evening while playing I sat her down and instead of her usual topple over onto her side she just sat there. She saw a toy, reached for it picked it up and went back to her sitting up straight position. In the tub for her bath this evening, instead of laying back and kicking all the water out she bent forward and held herself up and splashed with her hands until almost all the water was gone.  In the past week we have watched her at night make her way to the head of the crib until she could go no further, but we have yet gotten her to do it front of us...little does she know we can see her on the monitor. She must be waiting until the perfect moment to show us. She is just growing up so fast. It's hard to believe she is 6 months old. As I got up to feed her the other night I held her in her rocking chair. She was falling back to sleep in my arms and I couldn't help but get sentimental as I noticed her legs hanging over my lap and dangling over the side of the rocking chair arm. It seems like just the other day her whole body fit in the nook of my arm. She is getting so big! I think  we skipped right over 9 month clothing and we find ourselves already putting her in 9/12 mo. especially to get her the length, I think it is safe to say she will be tall like her mommy :)
She loves her veggies atleast...this was tonights dinner which was one of her favorites-PEAS! I don't know how tonight got so messy, but it did and we had fun and that's all that matters. She isn't a big fan of bananas and tomorrow we are going to start avocado! Mmmm

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sweet taters for my sweet pea

Set aside all of the milestones that have happened in the past 2 months since my last post (ie. her first tooth, her first scooch, her crazy growth spurt and her squealing with joy every time she gets excited and her rice cereal meals) today marked a new one. I went out and bought a sweet potato. they were on sale for 23 cents a pound, so i bought 2 sweets and it cost me 50 cents. I pulled out my baby bullet baby food maker and proceeded to make 7 servings of sweet potato baby food for my baby girl. I priced it out and on average a baby food jar is any where from 95 cents-$1.19  already I am proud of my effort and cleverness to make my own baby food. ( not to mention I know what goes into it, hence knowing what my baby girl is putting into her body).

Tonight marked the occasion of trying out the new food. I mixed it with her rice cereal and had a full bowl ready to go. She gobbled it right down and was looking for more! What a success :) She even tried licking the bowl clean when I turned to get a towel for a second. I dont know what she enjoyed more, the new yummy food or her fun bubble bath that followed (shes a little fish in the tub)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Big Girl Crib

Last Night was the 4th time in 2 weeks that we have successfully been able to put Addi down for bed in her crib in her nursery. She was waking up at 2am every time we put her in her crib...but last night was a momentous occasion where we put her down at 9:15pm and she slept straight through until 6 this morning! It was so wonderful. Even now she is sleeping taking her nap in her crib, it has taken a very rough 45 minutes but shes finally asleep. It is now her first nap in her crib and not her snug-a-bunny swing! It was an easy night for her and was so hard for me. It was strange not knowing she was next to me in her bassinet, I missed her little noises and hearing her move. I thought it was time we start making a transition since she is now 12 weeks old. I also will be trying to put her on a schedule. I want to make it easier for Jerrod since I begin doing my Premier Shows later this month and they are all in the evenings, i figure if she has a routine it will make it easier on the both of them if I am not home at bed time.
She has discovered her tongue so is constantly sticking it out  and she is purely obsessed with her hands and toes trying to put them in her mouth as much as she can.
My mom got her a glow worm when we were home and she loves it, right now its her favorite toy and we play with it all day long.  I can't believe how much she is growing, it seems every day she is a little bit bigger and doing something slightly new. It is all going too fast for my liking...I just love my little girl to the moon and back, she is so perfect :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

little toes

Family picture out back of the Johnson
Today  marked two big milestones in Addison's life.
This morning she discovered her toes and i think she loves them just as much as me! She is constantly trying to touch them and looking at them. And if her legs weren't so long and if she didn't have her little belly i know they would be in her mouth.

Addi's first geo-caching trip and first trip to the Giant Stairs!
Second big thing today-I put her down on her play mat for tummy time so i could put her clothes away...when i turned back around she was facing the other direction! I watched her and no rolling was involved, it was all squirming and little baby was crawling! tooooo sooon! im not ready for that yet. I think it will be quite some time before a full fledged army crawl across the room, but its a start!